DEMA 2006: SeaLife
Pioneer Research’s popular SeaLife cameras showed off two new products at DEMA this year. First was the DC600 Digital Camera, an update to the older DC500. The DC600 is 6.1 megapixels and offers a new “spy mode”, which sets the camera to automatically take multiple, time-delayed shots until stopped. So by setting the camera down and swimming away, a diver might be able to capture images of critters that are particularly shy. I think it’s cool that companies like SeaLife are putting in such interesting new features into their products.
SeaLife also had on hand prototypes of a new camera they are calling the “Reefmaster Mini”, a rugged, self-enclosed camera rated to 130’. The walls of the new Reefmaster Mini are made of thick polycarbonate with an additional 2mm of shockproofing lining, and the camera is quite small, powered by 2 AA batteries.
A less expensive version called the “Eco Shot” will be targeted at recreational diving and water sports will also be available.
Both the Reefmaster Mini and Eco Shot will be available in February ‘07.
For more coverage of DEMA 2006, please see the DEMA coverage index.
SeaLife booth
Prototype SeaLife Eco Shot/Reefmaster Mini in front of a SeaLife DC600
Prototype SeaLife Eco Shot/Reefmaster Mini in front of a SeaLife DC600
Wolfgang Harms, president of SeaLife, shows off a DC600 system