Report: Gulen Nudibranch Safari

Day 4
The final day of the Nudibranch Safari dawned clear at Gulen Dive Resort. Following on from the previous days, teams were up and diving from early in the morning.

After the dive, Bernard Picton expanded on his talk by speaking “Even More about Nudibranchs”.

People then went out to dive and catalog more animals.

Dr. Alexander Martynov rounded off the workshop by showing how the Nudibranch Safari has helped achieve a classification on various Dendronotus species, specifically frondosus and lacteus.

Electron microscope analysis of the radulas (tongues) and DNA sequencing of has enabled him and Dr. Tatiana Korshunova to provide definitive taxonomic descriptions of the Dendronotus species that exist in the area.

Traditional Norwegian hospitality ended the Safari, with toasts and speeches!

The final score on the hit list was 50 individual species recorded. When you consider that the total number in Norwegian waters is around 100, to have found half of that in one relatively short event shows the amazing concentration of nudibranch species around Gulen.

Perhaps more relevantly, this event seamlessly blends citizen science, photography and expert guidance. Gulen Dive Resort is an absolutely ideal environment with easy, non weather dependent access to a temperate water environment with a significant species biodiversity.

Many thanks to organiser Christian Skauge, Gulen Diver Resort and all the participants.