Results: DEEP Indonesia 2019
DEEP Indonesia 2019 - winners
Overall Winner and Winner of Over-Under category

Judges’ Comments:
Aaron Wong: I like this shot because it shows the photographer not only had a good idea of what he wanted to shoot but also had a good understanding and control of light.
Adam Hanlon: Beautifully composed elements that combine to emphasize the beauty of the scene, both above and under the water. A shining example of how an over and under should be done.
Andrew Marriot: Over under, evenly lit, great composition, and all in focus. I’d put this on my wall.
Burt Jones and Maurine Shimlock: This image blew us away when we first saw it in the over/under category. We know how difficult it is to get so many factors aligned to create such an image. Environmental conditions with no wind and flat water, a cooperative secondary element (the canoe), the sunset, the foreground lighting and the placement of the camera all had to come together to create this image. This image is constructed to lead the viewer’s eye through the photograph’s near, middle and far elements. It speaks to us on a deep emotional level. This image was not taken it was created!
Christian Vizl: Flawless use of half and half technique combined with a very artistic eye that chose the right angle from the right place at the precise right moment. Everything comes together in a beautiful way that leaves you with such a warmth feeling.
Winner: Animal Portrait category

Judges’ Comments:
Aaron Wong: This is a rather interesting perspective of a ray that is not often seen. It also manages to capture the amazing colors of the moment.
Adam Hanlon: Part sea creature, part film set alien creature. The ray’s other worldliness is exaggerated by the bizarre color palette. A unique image, very cleverly captured.
Andrew Marriot: Hands down one of the most original portraits I’ve ever seen. Love it!
Burt Jones and Maurine Shimlock: Having a ray swim overhead is not something that happens every day (well maybe in Grand Cayman), so this factor alone makes the image interesting. The ray’s color palette with it’s expressive “facial” gesture and the sunburst make this photograph special. Lighting, framing, motion are all captured here in this stunning image.
Christian Vizl: It´s such a unique shot, the combination of colors of the ray and the water and sky are incredibly beautiful. The technique is impeccable with an outstanding exposure of the sky and the use of flash for the belly and the mouth.
Winner: Animal Behavior category

Judges’ Comments:
Aaron Wong: While the lighting itself isn’t the best, just waiting for the moment itself is the prize of this shot.
Adam Hanlon: The epitome of a behavior shot! Perhaps not technically perfect but an amazing moment, perfectly timed at the peak of the action.
Andrew Marriot: The best “moment” picture I’ve seen, maybe ever.
Burt Jones and Maurine Shimlock: We’ve observed and photographed many seahorses throughout our career but we have never been fortunate to witness birthing. Of course this event could have “happened” just as the photographer arrived but that is doubtful. We know how valuable patience is in an image maker’s workflow. Oft times multiple dives, with 99% of the time spent waiting patiently but prepared, is usually required to capture behavior in nature. We also appreciated the fact that this image is created with the main subject off-center, which allows space for the young seahorses to move into and through the photograph’s frame.
Christian Vizl: The timing is so perfect and combined with a great lightning technique, creates a memorable shot of one of life´s most tender moments!
Winner: Compact Cameras

Judges’ Comments:
Aaron Wong: These gobies are a rather shy bunch. So to capture one with such shallow depth of field with the clever use of colored lights is a really good effort.
Adam Hanlon: Using colored lighting to create a vibrant frame for the goby puts “new life” into a common subject. A very well made creative decision.
Andrew Marriot: Amazing sharpness and creativity. Great take on a traditional subject.
Christian Vizl: Gobies are so interesting and beautiful subjects by themselves, but when combined with another interesting element, the explosion of color is irresistible.
Winner: Divers category

Judges’ Comments:
Aaron Wong: I always say that ‘less is more’ and ‘simplicity is a complicated process’, especially in underwater photography. So I love this shot for it’s sheer simplicity.
Adam Hanlon: The combination of very strong graphic elements (fish, fins, diver’s pose) and the simplicity of the high key mono processing create a striking dynamic and memorable image.
Andrew Marriot: One of the all time great diver shots ever. Hard to make B&W work underwater, and this one rocks it!
Burt Jones and Maurine Shimlock: This image is very graphic, which is accentuated by presenting the image in b&w. The diver’s fin position adds to the drama.
Christian Vizl: Pure creativity! I just love the high contrast black and white that combined with an artistic eye and a strong sense of composition and balance creates a surreal image of an activity we all love so much!
Winner: Reefscapes category

Judges’ Comments:
Aaron Wong: A big part of photography to me is the art of telling a story. This sea lion within it’s kelp forest home with beautiful sun rays does exactly that.
Adam Hanlon: Using the kelp to frame the sea lion and the sunburst creates an intimacy that makes the viewer feel they are observing via a window rather than an image. A simple scene, beautifully and thoughtfully captured.
Andrew Marriot: Great shot, showing that you don’t always need a tropical coral reef to make an amazing image.
Burt Jones and Maurine Shimlock: This photograph is beautifully constructed, without the kelp framing the sea lion; we would not be commenting about this image. The sunburst adds a sensational element and the lone sea lion is perfectly situated within the canvas of the image. Well done!
Christian Vizl: A classic and timeless combination of two highly photogenic subjects; kelp and sea lion. Beautiful composition that creates an open door, a first class seat for us to submerge in one of natures most beautiful scenes as the sun penetrates the ocean through the kelp, revealing the silhouette of the sea lion.