

Eye to eye with a massive whale on Vimeo Photo

Eye to eye with a massive whale on Vimeo

Earth Touch cameraman Barry Skinstad has described and filmed an encounter with a whale off of Cape Infanta, South Africa as:

“The most incredible experience of my 25 years of being in the sea.”

The whale seemed to follow him in the water, allowing for some very close interaction. At the same time, he describes how gentle it was, and the fact that it was aware of where he was in the water and was able to avoid contacting with him.

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Vincent Laforet reports on cameras at NAB Photo

Vincent Laforet reports on cameras at NAB

Vincent Lafloret has published an excellent review of the camera offerings at the NAB show, held in Las Vegas from 9 to 14 April on his blog. He praises the RED EPIC, Arri Alexa, Sony F3 and Phantom Flex, and is disappointed by the Panasonic AF-100. He is also as yet undecided about the Sony F65. His findings are based on his experience and on the results of testing done by the Zacuto team, in conjunction with ASC DP Bob Primes for their “great camera shoot-out”. These tests were screening during the show.

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Call for entries: Trebeurden wreck image festival Photo

Call for entries: Trebeurden wreck image festival

The first Trebeurden wreck image festival is now calling for entries. The festival has three entry categories: Single Pictures, portfolios and films. The photo category in further divided into scenic and history (bio), and each portfolio should have 10 images. The competition results will be based on public voting during the wreck festival to be held at Trebeurden, France from 20 to 22 May, as well as two classes that will be awarded by the judges.

There is a full pdf describing entry procedures and competition rules, and the deadline for entries is 30 April 2011.

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Study reports that 40 fish species will vanish from Mediterranean Photo

Study reports that 40 fish species will vanish from Mediterranean

A study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature says almost half of the species of sharks and rays in the Mediterranean and at least 12 species of bony fish are threatened with extinction due to overfishing, pollution and the loss of habitat in the next few years, Huffington Post reports. It goes on to state that commercial catches of bluefin tuna, sea bass, hake and dusky grouper are particularly threatened.

The IUCN study, which began in 2007 and included 25 marine scientists, is the first time the group has tried to assess native marine fish species in an entire sea.

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Report finds that prop-wash kills zooplankton Photo

Report finds that prop-wash kills zooplankton

BBC Earth News has reported the results of a new study which shows that the turbulence created by motor driven propellers has an effect on zooplankton populations. The full study, published in the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, suggests that in areas with high boat traffic, about one-third of the codepods were dead. Samantha Bickel, a PhD student at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in Gloucester Point, USA said:

“When viewed at a global scale, the portion of zooplankton killed by boat-generated turbulence is probably minimal.”

However, turbulence could have a significant impact on zooplankton, and therefore water ecology, on a more local level.

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Full trailer for This is Your Ocean: Sharks released Photo

Full trailer for This is Your Ocean: Sharks released

As reported earlier, the film This is Your Ocean: Sharks will make its debut at the Newport Beach Film Festival on 29 April. Wetpixel posted an early version of the trailer for the film, but the filmmakers have now released the final footage onto YouTube. The film, which features artists Wyland and Guy Harvey along with conservationist Jim Abernethy, highlights the plight of sharks in the oceans. Emma, a massive 14-foot tiger shark well-known to many Wetpixel members, is the star of the show and Jim Abernethy’s connection and love for this animal plays a key role in attempting to break down societal perceptions about sharks. Jim says:

“We can no longer look at sharks as monsters. My relationship with Emma hopefully dispels that misconception and reveals the truth. It’s time to share this message with the world.”

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National Geographic on Milestones in Underwater Photography Photo

National Geographic on Milestones in Underwater Photography

National Geographic has published an article in their “Milestones” feature entitled “Milestones in Underwater Photography”. It features many curious and historic pictures, including the first color photograph from underwater, which was taken a shot of a hogfish, photographed off the Florida Keys in the Gulf of Mexico by Dr. William Longley and National Geographic staff photographer Charles Martin in 1926.

Equally fascinating is the fact that in order to get this shot, the photographers had to use highly explosive magnesium flash powder to illuminate the fish.

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Raja Ampat slide show on YouTube Photo

Raja Ampat slide show on YouTube

Burt Jones and Maurine Shimlock of Secret Sea Visions have added a slide show to YouTube that celebrates diving in Indonesia’s Raja Ampat islands, home to the planet’s most healthy and bio-diverse reefs. It has images from Piai’s turtle sanctuary, where poaching has been virtually eliminated, Kawe Island, Aljui Bay, West Waigeo and Dampier Strait amongst other sites. It also has short photographic features about the people and nudibranchs of Raja.

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