
Alex Mustard at DIVE 2012

Article Summary:

Wetpixel Associate Editor Alex Mustard will be teaming up with well-known underwater photographer Martin Edge to give a presentation at the DIVE 2012 show at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, UK. The talk will be about composition, with Alex commenting:

Whatever camera system you use, good composition will make your pictures stand out. However, this talk goes way beyond the classic rules of composition. Instead Edge and Mustard will share specific examples of compositions that unlock the potential in many common underwater subjects as well as the mistakes that do not. In a talk filled with real world advice on how to achieve the shot underwater. Composition is a personal perspective, so don’t expect them to always agree. They’ll finish their talk with a range of examples of breaking the rules too, encouraging you to push boundaries with your underwater photography.

DIVE 2012 will also feature “The Photo Zone”, a dedicated area wherein there will be talks and seminars about underwater imaging, as well as stands for equipment suppliers. DIVE 2012 is being held over 27 and 28 October.