
Amazing giant Pacific octopus images

Wetpixel’s 2012 God’s Pocket Expedition has just concluded, and trip leader Jason Bradley reports that:

Some of the walls and reefs at God’s Pocket are as lush and colorful as I’ve seen anywhere in the world, and anyone remotely interested in cold water diving should put this place on their bucket list. But, one of my personal motivations for visiting this part of the world is a dive site called Dillon Rock. This is a well-known site due to the predictability of large and, for lack of a better word, friendly, giant pacific octopus.

This year, I had the privilege to encounter the largest octopus I’ve ever seen in the wild. I’m guessing it was 30 pounds or more, but I’m no expert. I can tell you her (or his) head was the size of two basketballs.

Wetpixel has already booked God’s Pocket for 2014.