
In the Wake of Giants producer seeks funding for sequel

Producer Lou Douros has launched an appeal on Kickstarter to provide funding for a sequel to his film “In The Wake Of Giants”. The film titled “Northern Wake” will focus on efforts in Alaska to disentangle whales from discarded line, nets, ropes and other entanglements.

The humpback whales that migrate between Alaska and Hawaii often find themselves swimming through and getting entangled in marine debris, fishing gear, boat moorings and other gear found in the water column. These entanglements have involved hundreds of feet of rope, nets and buoys. At times the animals have been found to have carried the gear thousands of miles over extended periods of time. Exhausted, emaciated and otherwise impacted by the gear that entangles them, many of powerful mammals eventually succumb to hungry predators or disease.

In the Alaskan case, commercial fishermen are working together with conservationists and managers to free entangled large whales and reduce entanglement threat. Northern Wake will explore the collaboration between ocean managers and fishermen as they prototype better ways to coexist with the environment upon which we all rely.