Show report: DEMA 2017
Wetpixel/DPG Imaging Party at DEMA 2017

The 2017 Wetpixel/DPG underwater Imaging party was held on the Rosen Center poolside. Several hundred image makers gathered to socialise network and have good time.
The party went on till late, and perhaps predictably, ended up with people in the pool!
If you want to download any of the images in the slideshow, there is a gallery here. Please use the password “wpdema17” (without the quotes).
Page 1: Ultralight, Nauticam, XIT404, Gates, Keldan, Acquapazza.
Page 2: Seacam, Subal, Isotta, Easydive, Aquatica, Sea&Sea.
Page 3: Wetpixel/DPG Underwater Imaging Party.
Page 4: iDive, VRTUL, Pelagic Fleet, Cinebags, SAGA.
Page 5: Backscatter, XIT404, Fisheye, Ikelite, Fantasea, Inon.