
Six gill sharks in Seattle

Six Gill Sharks in Seattle
August 13-16, 2008

Wetpixel's Eric Cheng and Matt Segal are currently out with Simon Rogerson (editor of Dive Magazine) in Seattle in an attempt to photograph six gill sharks (Hexanchus griseus).

We're out here with Hydrus on the M/V Katherine Jane.

Stay tuned -- I've managed to rig up a wireless network here and will be updating this page as frequently as possible with video and still image clips (pseudo-live).

In order to upload as much media as possible, much of it will be rather raw; I apologize in advance.

Please leave us a message and we'll do our best to respond!

How to use this page: To see all previous video clips and slideshows, mouse-over the Kyte video area and look for the show thumbnail to pop up on the left side of the screen. Clicking on the thumbnail will take you back in time. Alternatively, click on the "Shows" tab and select the show you wish to view.