Reports from the field: Wetpixel Whale Sharks 2018

eAfter setting out early on a glass-like sea for day 4, we steamed 70 miles north, only to discover that the whale sharks were some 7 miles south and west of us! The downside of being the first ones out on the water is that we also have to find the sharks. Skipper Rogelio swiftly corrected our tactical error and in no time at all, we were in among the sharks

There was a noticeable improvement in the visibility, which actually means that there was less food in the water. The sharks were hence more spread out and tended to be travelling quite quickly.

This made for more significantly challenging photographic conditions, or at least more strenuous ones. While there was still lots of opportunities, it was harder work to capitalise on them. We had to swim a lot!

It seems churlish to talk about a day where we encountered over 30 sharks as a disappointment. Given how good the first 3 days have been, we are all getting a little too used to seeing amazing numbers of sharks. Perhaps today is just nature’s way of giving us some perspective.

Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow will bring…
Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 3.
Day 4.
Day 5.