Wetpixel/Under The Jungle Cenote Workshop 2021

On 24 December, 140 member states of the United Nations voted to launch a 2 year process aiming to creating an international treaty to protect the high seas. This would extend protections to the oceans beyond national maritime boundaries. International waters account for over half the planet’s surface. The process will convene a two year intergovernmental conference to establish full treaty negotiations.
Underwater photographer category winners of the 2017 NHM Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest share their processes to their winning shots. Three underwater photographers, Tony Wu, Michel Roggo, and Laurent Ballesta, each talk about working in three very different environments to achieve their winning shots. The images include sperm whales in Sri Lanka, water hyacinths in the Pantanal, and an iceberg in Antarctica.
Aquatica (PDF) are shipping their housing for the Nikon D850. It is machined with Aquatica’s new 5-axis milling machine, which has made in 12% lighter than their D800/D810 housings. It features self aligning controls and ergonomic access to camera functions including a redesigned lever for AF-ON and a low profile ISO lever.
The UK government has begun lifting the recent restriction on electronics in cabin baggage that were imposed on inbound flights from the Egyptian Red Sea airports at Hurghada and Marsa Alam. Passengers will now be able to carry cameras, laptops and other electronic items in the cabin as was the case prior to 28 July 2017.
Inon has formally released the full details and specifications of their new Z330 strobe. Featuring a guide number of 33 and a native coverage of 110°, it also has a rapid quench time, an integrated heat sync, 220 lumen focus light aligned to strobe output and a redesigned control interface. There is an active thread about the Z330 in the Wetpixel forum, and Wetpixel are currently evaluating the strobes too.
In a ceremony, community officials from the villages of Pam, Saukabu, and Saupapir in the Fam (locally Pam) Archipelago of Raja Ampat signed an agreement to protect their waters with the provision of a Marine Protected Area (MPA). This agreement will now move forward through the legal process. Thereafter, the MPA can be formally declared and join the other 5 that are already established within Raja Ampat.
Adobe has announced the release of Lightroom update version 6.14. This will be the last release of the perpetual version of the app. The new version adds new camera and lens support and fixes some bugs, but does not add any new features. In future, Adobe recommends that photographers convert their files to DNG if support for forthcoming cameras is not available.
The annual Sea Save Foundation Year End charity auction is coming to a finale very soon. Now is your final chance to bid on 61 lots, which include dive trips, fine art, travel and training courses. Many of the lots are currently at better than retail price, so represent both a bargain and an opportunity to support the charity. The listings all close in a little over 6 hours, so please don’t wait…bid now!